Certifications, trainings, techniques and -sometimes- Google searches offer Analysts access to a wide range of knowledge and techniques.
However, most of the documentation and trainings focus on theory, canvas, and format. Not on how to put it into practice.
This webinar is designed to teach you actionable advice, used in the field by business analyst to investigate their stakeholder’s needs.
5 good reasons to watch the webinar
⦿ Learn how to identify, reach and manage your stakeholders.
⦿ Be more efficient by recognizing what is in your scope and communicating it clearly to your stakeholders.
⦿ Stakeholders will see you as a close coworker, and not (only) the person asking difficult questions.
⦿ Get tips to gain your stakeholders’ trust.
⦿ Understand the pitfalls of not having a correct information.
Watch our webinar: How to investigate stakeholder’s needs
Get access to the materials!
In case you’d like to have the slides and review them later, you can find them right here.
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